What do we offer?


 Likeminded people who understand


Helpful lifestyle news, personal experiences and other useful content


Group conversations with our friendly community


When you join as a member you will have the option to let us know what is wrong, where you live, your interests, your age and what help you require. We can provide a list of members with similar health problems that you can connect to and build relationships with for support. This will allow you to find likeminded friends who fully understand what you are going through, and you can help each other.


On this journey you will no doubt seek knowledge on how to maximise your chances of recovery and to minimise future recurrence. Finding that content can be challenging, and WhealthWay want to make it easy. Our content will be useful information on a range of issues such as exercise, diet, medicine, alternative treatments and many more. Our members can share content and therefore you will have many people researching to help find useful information.


Here you can form or join groups to have meaningful discussions on a specific topic that you need support with. This will enable you to communicate directly to communities of people impacted by similar circumstances, so you can all share your experiences.

Our charity we will support throughout 2021 will be "The Christie"